Why are companies permitted to lie in their advertising? Sometimes I think it is funny, other times it just makes me mad but one thing for sure – I am really getting tired of all the lies being blasted out at us by marketers and ad agencies.
And what about restaurants? Have you ever gotten a sandwich or plate of food from a restaurant that looked anything at all like the picture on the menu? I have not. In fact the actual sandwich barely even resembles the ‘doctored up’ photo they display. It doesn’t matter if you go to a fast food joint like McDonalds or Burger King or a fancier place. They have these pictures advertising their food yet the food looks very little like the photos! Can anyone tell me why they are allowed to do this?
Maybe someone should create a website specifically for this. I can see it now. Here is the photo that they present to sell you on that sandwich and here is a photo of the actual sandwich! Any similarities? Very little if any at all!
I had to spend almost an hour on the phone to straighten out a problem with PayPal and I don’t even use PayPal!
Recently a seller from an auction site where I had purchased a 0.99 item (+ 1.00 for shipping and handling) contacted me to tell me that his PayPal account had been limited because of my transaction. This made no sense to me as I did not pay with PayPal funds but had paid with a bank debit card. Furthermore the funds had cleared my bank about a week before this happened! I replied to the seller and told them that I didn’t pay with a PayPal account but had used a debit card. The seller replied back that PayPal had informed him that I must call them to get the transaction released and to free up his account.
I went to PayPal’s website to search for a phone number so I could call and see what was going on. They make it very difficult if you don’t have a PayPal account. Even after I got someone on the phone they asked me for my PayPal account email and the last 4 digits of my card associated with it several times even though I kept saying I don’t have PayPal. The rep tried talking me into getting an account. I told him that I wasn’t interested and I didn’t call for a sales spiel but just wanted to get some problems straightened out with someone I had made a purchase from.
If you do some searching there are tons of PayPal nightmare stories just like this one (This is a real story):
“I had my PayPal account closed recently. I had the account for about 12 years and had never done one thing against policy or rules. My wife responded to a company to do drop shipping and she got scammed out of hundreds of dollars. PayPal closed my account just because we had the same address! Each of us maintains our own bank accounts and have separate computers and have for years. She did no wrong and she was shut down by PayPal in addition to her being scammed. AND PayPal closed my account when there were 0 infractions in my account – just because they noted the mailing address.
The both of us have talked to PayPal on the phone numerous times. We have been told conflicting information and have been treated very rudely by most PayPal reps – although several were very polite and tried to feign being helpful. In the end there is no recourse. Today I was literally told – “You are welcome to look around for another payment processor…” The bottom line is that they do not care. I told the guy on the phone today that he was just doing his job and watching the clock for his breaks and quitting time and had no real concern for me at all.
What if I told you that you could make several hundred dollars per month, just for telling people your honest opinions? With the help of paid online surveys, you can!
Beware of the paid survey scams and NEVER pay money to join a survey company. If you are dealing with an real paid survey site then YOU are the one who will be getting paid not the other way around! Now for some introductory and honest information about paid survey sites and companies.
Huge, well known companies need your opinions on their services and products, and they are willing to pay good money for them. But why would they ask a normal person, without any specific expertise? Because companies sell their products to everyday people, just like you, and they want to essentially ask for your approval before releasing, or making changes, to their product or service.
For every survey you do you will receive a small reward (usually $1 to $10). Occasionally surveys will pay you much more. I personally have completed a $45 survey, which only took me about 30 minutes. There are also a number of other opportunities made available to you when you join a survey company. Sometimes there will be a specific focus group, expert survey, or taste test that if you qualify for, you will receive a very generous reward (usually upwards of $50 or more).
I want to be rich. Don’t you? Of course you do! For all of us chasing that big money sign in the sky (yes, all of us online marketers / webmasters), we are so desperate to strike the big time that we can so easily become suckers. It’s just so easy for us to be fooled with internet scams that target us that thousands of scammers from around the world (especially developing nations) are literally becoming wealthy off of us.
Here is how the typical internet scam goes that targets us, or at least a common blueprint for it that you can find on any webmaster forum out there:
Make $250 A Day With My Blackhat Secrets!
That’s right friends. I have been making over $250 every day for 2 years now with my blackhat methods. I spend an hour a day, every day, and the money just pours in! Now for the good news- I am going to sell all of my money making secrets to you, right now, for just $5! Only the first 20 buyers of my e-book will get this system, and all of its secrets, for $5. After that the price is $10. Act now before the price doubles!
Did you notice a few things here? let’s break down some problems:
1: If he is making at least $250 with these tricks, why is he selling it to you for just $5?
2: If he is working only 1 hour a day, and he’s making this much, why isn’t he working 10 hours a day and banking $2,500 a day?
3: Why does he want me to hurry? Why is he telling me to buy now before the price doubles?
4: If he is making $4+ per minute with his secret, why the hell is he spending hours on a forum trying to sell it for pennies per minute?
We could go on forever, but you get the point. This is such a common internet scam, and you can see it dozens of times per day on any webmaster forum, that we really need to start spreading the word. If people would just start posting any of these questions on these scam sales threads, maybe these punks would shut it down due to no sales.
These scams come in all shapes and sizes, from $5 e-books to $500 ones. They come in all flavors, from copied “unique” content sales to fake pagerank domains.
There are so many scammers filling up the online world right now that are solely targeting online marketers. It’s a minefield on the net, and only those that really think about it before shelling out their hard earned money will not get cheated in the process.
What is my advice? Be very careful on the internet! Just because you make a living online, or at least a partial living, that doesn’t mean that you are too smart to be duped. It happens to almost everyone eventually. At least to everyone that is chasing an online dream.
Starting your own web hosting business is much easier, and probably not as expensive, as you may think. You can actually get started with Host Gator for only 24.95 per month.
Here is how it works:
As a web host reseller you will be completely in charge of the rates and features of your hosting packages. You pay a set small monthly fee and keep 100% of the money your clients pay for hosting (minus any payment processor fees of course).
First you will create your hosting packages from within your Reseller cPanel Web Hosting Manager. Here is where you will define the disc space, bandwidth, and other limitations of each hosting package.
Once you have created your hosting packages you will then go to your WHM Autopilot admin and setup the same packages along with the addition of the rates. You can even give discounts for those who want to pay for more than one month in advance. You can offer the first month free, and even create special discount coupons as you need them.
The WHM Autopilot makes your job very easy as everything can be completely automated from ordering to account creation. Your clients will be able to visit your site, place an order for hosting, make payment and start to build their website right away. Their hosting account will automatically be set up in cPanel and they will receive confirmation emails including their log in credentials.
Coin collecting can be an enjoyable hobby as well as a great way to invest in your future. If you choose the right coins to buy and get them at a good price their value will be likely to grow over time. Savvy collectors will see as much, or more, profit with their coins as they would with more traditional investments such as bonds or IRAs.
The intrinsic value of a coin is based upon it’s metal content. Due to the rising value of silver, coins containing silver have risen in price. However, there is more to the value of a coin than just the metal content. If you are interested in buying coins primarily for the silver value I recommend 1960 to 1964 Roosevelt dimes and Washington quarters in circulated condition. These coins are common and can be obtained at a price very near the silver value.
New England Crafters have been involved in every aspect of the in the home assembly crafts Business Over 20 Years! By having so much experience, we can bring you better home assembly opportunities than most. We have dedicated our life to the Craft Business. You will not find another company to partner with that has a better reputation.
If you have been searching for a legitimate opportunity to work at home assembling crafts and actually earn money then you have found the right place! New England Crafters is dedicated to helping you succeed. Your success is our success! Read this full page for all the exciting details on how you can get started in a work at home career assembling crafts.
31 Craft Projects to Choose From! 31 projects is simply unheard of in the Home Assembly Business. We are one of the few companies in the entire USA to offer so many projects. And we aren’t stopping at 31! We plan to expand to well over 50 projects within the next two years! You will be assembling for a growing company!
Free Sample in Every Kit! We include a sample of our home crafted product for you to compare your work to. We feel it is absolutely impossible to duplicate a product just by written instructions or photos alone. We want you to succeed, that’s why we give you a FREE SAMPLE! Our samples are valued at $6-$12 each! Most companies require that you pay extra for your sample.
Beautiful Product Line! Our products speak for themselves. We believe we have the most beautiful product line in the industry. Our designs are totally unique. We have spent years designing our products and we won’t settle for average. We are different and our product line represents just that!
Why Work for New England Crafters?
No Minimums!
Most companies will require that you produce at least one unit or so within 60 days to stay in their home assembly program. You could literally take a year off from our company and start assembling again with no additional fees!
$100 Holiday Bonus for Top Producers!
We take our top five producers each year and hand them a check for $100! This is our thanks for helping our business grow.
Excellent Training and Support!
Not only do we offer a phone number to reach our experienced staff, we will send you unlimited supplies until you are approved by our company! We won’t give up on you!
Registration Fee Refunded in full
Registration Fee Refunded in Full after completion of 250 pieces! We will refund all of your start up money upon approval and completion of 5 units. We like to reward those who stick with our program!
30 Day Kit Exchange!
Since we offer so many projects, we allow you to exchange your kit for another project within 30 days if you decide the first project wasn’t for you.
About New England Crafters
New England Crafters originated in 1983 when we came up with an idea to make tiny sheep ornaments out of 100% wool. We sold these hand crafted sheep at our local church fair one year and could not believe what happened. We completely sold out in just two hours! We then sat and took orders for the rest of the day! We were very excited and everyone loved our sheep! We decided to come back the following year with a larger stock.
Our local church fair led to larger craft fairs, which in turn led to vendor fairs at insurance companies. In 1992, we decided to enter the wholesale market and sell on a larger level. We hired sales reps and participated in large gift shows. At our first wholesale gift show we actually received an order for 300,000 sheep! The catch? The vendor wanted them in just 45 days! We knew we could not possibly fill an order of that size. We were determined to find people to help with the assembly so we would never again have to turn down an order!
Over the past few years, we have expanded our line to include many different products. We are one of the country’s largest home craft assembly firms and believe we offer the best opportunity available. You can be confident by assembling for NEC that you are assembling for the best. We offer over 25 projects and need your help to produce them. The more assemblers we can train, the more products we can sell, and the larger we can expand our business. We always say that “the proof is in our products” when people are hesitant about assembling at home. For example, once you see our products for yourself, you will have no doubt in the legitimacy of our company. We keep our product line fresh and exciting. We are always adding to it and plan to roll out an Easter, Wedding & Halloween line within 2 years. This will give you as an assembler more earning potential and no chance of ever “burning out” on one project!
So how exactly does our program work, you may wonder. Well, it’s really quite simple. Once registered for a project, you will quickly be shipped a starter kit. This starter kit will contain enough materials to produce three samples to send in for inspection. You will also receive FREE a sample to compare your work to. We believe this is crucial, since you could not possibly duplicate our work by a photograph or instructions alone. Once approved, you can start producing products at your own pace. We do not demand any type of minimums to stay with our program. You can take as much time as you need to make our products. For people looking to earn a lot of money, our weekly maximums are generous. We allow you to send us enough product to earn $200-$525 per week depending on which project you are registered with. Also, you can register for as many projects as you like. Since we offer over 25, you will never run out of projects that interest you.
We feel that anyone can assemble crafts from home. Even with no experience, one can develop crafting skills with our easy to follow instructions. We have an assembler help phone line set up to help anyone having trouble. Also, we offer unlimited refill inspection kits. If you run out of supplies before you become approved, we will ship you more at no charge! We offer a wide range of crafts. You will have your choice of glue gun projects, painting, hand sewing, machine sewing, jewelry making, fiber, clay, or all of the above! For those of you who dislike sewing, we currently offer 13 NO SEW projects! So, to get started, be sure to read this entire page and then register with as many projects as your heart desires! We are here to help you all the way and are looking forward to adding you to our team!
One of the quickest and easiest ways for a person to get started making money in their spare time at home is to participate in paid surveys. Most Paid Survey companies have very low payouts so you can actually start getting checks in your mail box rather quickly.
I, personally, became involved in doing paid surveys over three years ago. A family member had recommended a paid survey site to me. At first I disregarded it, thinking that it had to be a scam.
Later, when I saw some of her check stubs, I realized there was something to it. I was so amazed that she had actually received checks I decided to join. I was very lucky because my first experience with a paid survey site was with a legitimate one.
Right away I started wondering if there were any other paid survey sites that I could get money from. Within about three months time I had joined every survey site I could find that didn’t charge a fee. That was when I discovered that almost all of them were scams. In fact there are so many paid survey scams on the Internet it can be very difficult to find the good ones.
Therefore the problem comes when you try to find out which paid survey sites are worth joining. Unfortunately, there are have been a lot of scams designed to look like legitimate paid surveys. In fact, the Internet is full of them. This means that there have been a lot of people who’s first experience with paid surveys was much less than positive. Just because there are a lot of scams doesn’t mean that there aren’t any legitimate paid survey sites, indeed there are only a few. There are a lot of so-called paid survey sites that charge as much as $39.95 for membership. Do not fall for these scams no matter what promises the site makes. What they give you for your money is a list of supposed paid survey sites. The sites included in these lists are very low quality and most of them are scams.The ironic thing about these “huge paid survey lists” is that most of the real paid survey sites actually prohibit their companies from being included in any paid list. The reason they do this is that they do not want to be associated with such scams nor do they want unscrupulous marketers making money from their information.
The most common type of paid survey scam is a program that it set up to look like a survey, but it is in fact only designed to get you to make purchases and complete offers so that the site can earn commissions. If you are asked to complete an offer or make a purchase of any kind you are not on a legitimate paid survey site.
Remember, the idea behind paid surveys is that you get compensated for your time participating in online consumer opinion polls – you should never be asked a fee to join. Legitimate survey sites do not attempt to sell you on anything, nor will they ask you for your credit card or bank account information. If any survey site asks you to buy anything or provide credit card information then hit the back button, they are not legitimate.
Paid surveys are really fantastic for many, many people. All you need is an Internet connection and access to email. You can do as many, or as few, surveys as you like. There’s never any pressure. The more spare time you have the more you will be able to earn. Doing paid surveys can also be fun.
With paid surveys you get to learn about and see new products and services, including movies and commercials, before the general public. The results obtained by the companies through surveys will affect the way they handle their product or service. This means you get to take a hand in development of the products and services you and your family use.
If you have made it this far then I highly recommend that you visit Earn Money At Home. This is a website that doesn’t make false claims or ask for payment of any kind to join real paid survey sites.
Copyright 2007 David Slone all rights reserved. May not be republished.
Earn Cash For Surveys has the Honest Information Seal of Approval
I have done a lot of research into “Assemble Products At Home” type job opportunities. As with most other money making opportunities you will find that there are a lot of scams.
It is a good thing that you are reading this article as I will tell you the truth about what I know of making money by assembling products at home. However, you should always do some research yourself, especially by checking with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to see what kind of reputation the company has.
Another good place to do some research about a particular company is in forums. Just type the name of the company along with the word forum into a search engine to see what others are saying about the company.
New England Crafters Magical Gift Company
One of the best companies that pays you to assemble products at home is the New England Crafters Magical Gift Company. They charge a fee of $39.95 to get your starter kit. Once you complete a certain number of units they refund the initial fee in full.
The great thing about this company is that they pay for everything after that initial fee. You never have to pay for your supplies, you don’t even have to pay for the postage to send in the finished products.
The New England Crafters Magical Gift Company has a great standing with the BBB and you will find many people talking about their success with the company in forums. I can personally vouch for this company as my wife has become involved.
The Magical Gift Company has sewing, painting, and gluing projects with over 30 different ones to choose from.
Another company you have probably heard of is The Disciples Cross. This could be a good company for you to deal with, but it depends upon what you want to do.
If you would like to assemble the crosses and then sell them on your own you can make a really good profit. Some assemblers place displays on consignment in Christian bookstores and other gift shops. Of course they can also be sold online, at parties, or for church, school or group fund raisers.
From what I have learned about The Disciples Cross is that many people have problems with their buy back system. The company promises to buy assembled crosses from members, but many members report that the waiting time is excessive and the refusal rate is high. In response to this, company reps have said that the hand inspection of each unit is time consuming and their quality standards are high.
So there you have it. It is a short list, but of all the “Assemble Products at Home” companies these are the only two that I would recommend.
Earning Money by Writing Online
Is it possible to get paid for writing on the Internet?
Often I am asked if it is possible for a person to write articles and other types of copy on the Internet and get paid for it.
The answer is yes, of course, people are doing this every day and many are earning extra money or even a full time living from it.
Making money by writing on the Internet is much like any other job or career in that it takes work, effort, discipline and time to develop. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to make money you are in the wrong place.
While writing can be a very enjoyable vocation it can also be demanding, time consuming and competitive. And what if you are a freelancer writing about boring topics and issues? Writing can become a drudgery, just like most other types of work.
Are you still interested in writing for money? You can certainly do it if you put your mind to it and get going. Remember, “writers write,” so get to writing.
Some Ways to Earn Money Writing Online:
1. Write for a percentage of ad revenue “Ad Sharing” on an existing website.
Earn money by writing online
A typical ad sharing site is one on which you register as a member to write and publish content. Revenue from the advertisements that appear on the pages you publish are shared with you. Some of these sites will require you to have a Google AdSense account, others may require a PayPal account.
Writing content for ad sharing sites like HubPages, Squidoo, and Info Barrel is actually a good way that anyone can get started writing. All it takes is an Internet connection and an ability to write! Work in your spare time with your writing or better yet instead of spending all that time on Facebook, games, or eBay spend that time writing and crafting content for the Internet.
HubPages will display your ad code 60% of the time that your pages are displayed. They also have Amazon and eBay modules. Recently HubPages introduced a new HubPages Ad Program in which the earnings from several different merchants are pooled.
2. Write as a freelancer for existing websites and publishers.
Freelance writers are typically paid one time for a published piece. Rates vary widely. Copyright ownership usually goes to the buyer along with the content. In some cases the writer will receive a byline.
Get the Info!
Writing as a freelancer can be tough. It takes awhile to find the right jobs but once you get your foot in the door – and you are a good writer – you will have the opportunity to make some money. Keep in mind that most writers are not wealthy and they work hard.
3. Publish your own website and make money with affiliate marketing and advertisements. You don’t have to register a domain and secure hosting to get a blog going. You can get a free blog from Blogger.com and on that blog you can write about your own thing and run affiliate ads and Google ads.
There are also other types of writing that can be done online. Writers are hired to create advertisements, eBooks, and even to help populate a new forum or write comments on blogs.
Now that you have read this get busy and join HubPages and start writing. You don’t have to be in a rush with your writing as long as you get started now. Don’t procrastinate. If you want to be a writer and earn something from it too then go ahead and get started.
Share your thoughts and understanding and your own views of the world with others and have fun. Some folks enjoy blogging and writing and don’t even think of making money with it!
Recommended Accounts: In order to receive payments and take advantage of commissions you should consider the following (listed in order of importance):
Google AdSense Google makes payment via direct deposit or check.
Amazon.com Affiliate Amazon makes payment via direct deposit or check.
PayPal ( PayPal is widely used and is necessary to do business with some companies however you should at least be aware that there are potential problems with PayPal or any other payment processor.)