New England Crafters have been involved in every aspect of the in the home assembly crafts Business Over 20 Years! By having so much experience, we can bring you better home assembly opportunities than most. We have dedicated our life to the Craft Business. You will not find another company to partner with that has a better reputation.
If you have been searching for a legitimate opportunity to work at home assembling crafts and actually earn money then you have found the right place! New England Crafters is dedicated to helping you succeed. Your success is our success! Read this full page for all the exciting details on how you can get started in a work at home career assembling crafts.

31 Craft Projects to Choose From! 31 projects is simply unheard of in the Home Assembly Business. We are one of the few companies in the entire USA to offer so many projects. And we aren’t stopping at 31! We plan to expand to well over 50 projects within the next two years! You will be assembling for a growing company!
Free Sample in Every Kit! We include a sample of our home crafted product for you to compare your work to. We feel it is absolutely impossible to duplicate a product just by written instructions or photos alone. We want you to succeed, that’s why we give you a FREE SAMPLE! Our samples are valued at $6-$12 each! Most companies require that you pay extra for your sample.

Beautiful Product Line! Our products speak for themselves. We believe we have the most beautiful product line in the industry. Our designs are totally unique. We have spent years designing our products and we won’t settle for average. We are different and our product line represents just that!
Why Work for New England Crafters?
No Minimums!
Most companies will require that you produce at least one unit or so within 60 days to stay in their home assembly program. You could literally take a year off from our company and start assembling again with no additional fees!
$100 Holiday Bonus for Top Producers!
We take our top five producers each year and hand them a check for $100! This is our thanks for helping our business grow.
Excellent Training and Support!
Not only do we offer a phone number to reach our experienced staff, we will send you unlimited supplies until you are approved by our company! We won’t give up on you!
Registration Fee Refunded in full

Registration Fee Refunded in Full after completion of 250 pieces! We will refund all of your start up money upon approval and completion of 5 units. We like to reward those who stick with our program!
30 Day Kit Exchange!
Since we offer so many projects, we allow you to exchange your kit for another project within 30 days if you decide the first project wasn’t for you.
About New England Crafters
New England Crafters originated in 1983 when we came up with an idea to make tiny sheep ornaments out of 100% wool. We sold these hand crafted sheep at our local church fair one year and could not believe what happened. We completely sold out in just two hours! We then sat and took orders for the rest of the day! We were very excited and everyone loved our sheep! We decided to come back the following year with a larger stock.
Our local church fair led to larger craft fairs, which in turn led to vendor fairs at insurance companies. In 1992, we decided to enter the wholesale market and sell on a larger level. We hired sales reps and participated in large gift shows. At our first wholesale gift show we actually received an order for 300,000 sheep! The catch? The vendor wanted them in just 45 days! We knew we could not possibly fill an order of that size. We were determined to find people to help with the assembly so we would never again have to turn down an order!

Over the past few years, we have expanded our line to include many different products. We are one of the country’s largest home craft assembly firms and believe we offer the best opportunity available. You can be confident by assembling for NEC that you are assembling for the best. We offer over 25 projects and need your help to produce them. The more assemblers we can train, the more products we can sell, and the larger we can expand our business. We always say that “the proof is in our products” when people are hesitant about assembling at home. For example, once you see our products for yourself, you will have no doubt in the legitimacy of our company. We keep our product line fresh and exciting. We are always adding to it and plan to roll out an Easter, Wedding & Halloween line within 2 years. This will give you as an assembler more earning potential and no chance of ever “burning out” on one project!
So how exactly does our program work, you may wonder. Well, it’s really quite simple. Once registered for a project, you will quickly be shipped a starter kit. This starter kit will contain enough materials to produce three samples to send in for inspection. You will also receive FREE a sample to compare your work to. We believe this is crucial, since you could not possibly duplicate our work by a photograph or instructions alone. Once approved, you can start producing products at your own pace. We do not demand any type of minimums to stay with our program. You can take as much time as you need to make our products. For people looking to earn a lot of money, our weekly maximums are generous. We allow you to send us enough product to earn $200-$525 per week depending on which project you are registered with. Also, you can register for as many projects as you like. Since we offer over 25, you will never run out of projects that interest you.
We feel that anyone can assemble crafts from home. Even with no experience, one can develop crafting skills with our easy to follow instructions. We have an assembler help phone line set up to help anyone having trouble. Also, we offer unlimited refill inspection kits. If you run out of supplies before you become approved, we will ship you more at no charge! We offer a wide range of crafts. You will have your choice of glue gun projects, painting, hand sewing, machine sewing, jewelry making, fiber, clay, or all of the above! For those of you who dislike sewing, we currently offer 13 NO SEW projects! So, to get started, be sure to read this entire page and then register with as many projects as your heart desires! We are here to help you all the way and are looking forward to adding you to our team!